I'm Robin Williams.
A Product Designer based in Italy.

I'm probably the most passionate designer you will ever get to work with. If you have a great project that needs some amazing skills, I'm your guy.


Companies I have worked
for in the past.


Google, Interaction Designer

I currently am the lead designer on the interaction design team for Google Play.


Facebook, Product Designer

I've worked on a wide variety of internal tools for Facebook over the past 6 years.


Dribble, Graphic Designer

I started my design career on Dribble. I was incharge of creating illustrations for the platform.

Philosophy & values

I think everyone wants the same thing - relationship with humanity, peace with the metaphysical, and experience with the universe. I try to grasp these things with my values: authenticity, creativity, & hospitality.

More about me


With skills in over 4 different fields of design, I am the perfect person to hire when it comes to a full fledged project. Whatever your needs are, I can pretty much take on any challenge.

Product Design

Working at Facebook has taught me a lot about how to understand users, solve problems and build great products.

Visual Design

My experience at dribbble has helped me learn to develop the eye for design. Colors, typography, layout and the whole package.

Motion Design

I started my design journey with motion design in my college days. Motion is something that really fascinates me because of the flexibility of story telling.


Clicking pictures really brings out the creative in me. Phtography really makes you look and percieve things in a different way.


If you area a person who enjoys photography, then I highly recommend that you check out my Instagram. I’m an avid traveller and I capture the best moments that I would love to cherish with the world

Follow me on IG

My Dribble

Each dribbble shot is made with love and care. Do check out my work on
Dribbble. Likes and comments are appreciated.

Follow me on Dribble

This is what people say about me

Here are a few lines from people who I have worked with over the past 8+ years in my design career.

See alll testimonials
‘’Robin is one of the best designers I have worked with in my entire life. He is a designer who is very capable of taking up complex projects and delivers impeccable design.’’
Richard Owens
CEO, Company 1
‘’I think Robin has an incredible gift. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with a designer of this caliber.’’
Emily Parker
CEO, Company 2
‘’All I can say that, Robin is a phenomenal designer. The wavelength at which he thinks is astoundaing. I love the focus, passion and attention to detial in the design.’’
Vincent Rudd
CEO, Company 3


Here is a collection of my best travel pictures that I took while travelling
places all around the world.

Let’s talk business

Now that you know a lot about me, let me know if you are interested to work with me.

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